”Make your business even more visible on the global market”
It’s Business Connect Denmark’s finest and primary task to work for knowledge sharing that leads to increased trade between companies, organizations, government officials and people. In addition this will inevetably strengthen the cultural relations between our countries and people.
Close relations and collaborations paves the way for exciting and innovative solutions. For Business Connect Denmark it is a great pleasure to contribute to growth by fostering and encouraging common relations and to be the link between international companies.
One spectacular business adventure is production and installation of wind turbines. In addition to top operators in the market, also a large number of relatiely unknown subcontractors are present with supply of important products and services.
Throughout the past decades, Danish companies have developed a leading position within the wind industry, and through continuous development and innovation proesses, Denmark has become the global brand leader within wind turbines and a pioneer country for other markets as well.
True entrepreneurship characterizes the business industry in Denmark. In general our country can present highly professional, unique and successful businesses in most line of industries.
Powerfull companies are willing to enter the international scene with product, services and know-how. With focus on innovation and development Denmark contributes to setting high standards for future goals within e.g. energy efficiency, environmental considerations and numerous ther industries. We aim continuously to take the lead at being trendsetters. Therefore you will find a lot not of know-how amongst the companies.
I can assist you with the following:
I am ready to help you so please do not hesitate to contact me. Let’s discuss how you can get in touch with your preferred international business partners.
Business Connect Denmark strives to identify and exploit the many growth opportunities, which lies in strategic collaboration between outstanding companies in our country and around the world.
Our objective is to identify and seek out potential international collaboration partners who can benefit from the entrepreneurial and innovative espertise within areas such as Wind, Water & Environment found at Danish companies.
Todays manufacturing companies meet high demands. Therefore, strong global business networks are increasingly important in order to obtain competitive and succesful appearance in both national and foreign markets.
Are you and your company ready for the next step?
Then let me:
Feel free to contact me to discuss how you get in touch with new business partners!
Feel free to draw on my experience and competences on demand as your flexible professional external ressource.
Whether you need help with a minor or complex task we can make an arrangement on:
Lean back confidently and let go of the task
Shortly said – a clearly defined task where delivery and deadline is agreed upon from time to time. That makes you able to concentrate on your primary tasks and know for sure that the job is in safe hands and will be solved professionally and on time.
You are facing an important international event and you are in lack of ressources and/or competences. Fx an exhibition, a customer summit, a delegation visit, etc. in Denmark or abroad.
Maybe you need input such as ideas, lokal knowledge, language skills, help with execution for:
– A larger conference, customer event or product launch, etc.
– An exhibition in Denmark or abroad
– A new market action or product launch, market investigation, etc.
Let me arrange and execute your next exhibition or international event
Shortly said – a clearly defined event where delivery and deadline is agreed upon from time to time.
Leave the job to my professional hands and large experience and you can lean confidently back and concentrate on your primary tasks and do what you do best. You will learn for sure that the job is in safe hands and will be solved professionally and on time.
Efter mere end 25 års ledelseserfaring fra danske og internationale virksomheder og organisationer driver jeg nu selvstændig konsulentvirksomhed med fokus på strategisk rådgivning og sparring, kommunikation og markedsføring. Jeg brænder for at skabe vækst og for at få potentialerne i spil i virksomheder og organisationer. Det har jeg haft succes med i mit virke.
Mit faglige fundament består bl.a. af en HD i afsætning fra SDU, en eksportsælgeruddannelse fra Den Danske Eksportskole samt diverse ledelses- og kommunikationsuddannelser. Jeg mestrer tysk og engelsk på forhandlingsniveau. Se mere på min LinkedIn-profil
Jeg stortrives i spændingsfeltet mellem strategi, marketing- og kommunikationsplaner, budgetter og prioriteringer på den ene side, og idégenerering, salg, god kundeservice og gennemførelse af kampagner på den anden side. Jeg holder mig up-to-date, og har let ved at tilegne mig ny viden.
Min erhvervserfaring tæller en lang årrække som leder, ligesom jeg har solid erfaring med kommunikation, markedsføring og salg fra B2B-området i internationale virksomheder. Herudover har jeg i 8 år som turistchef arbejdet intenst med oplevelsesøkonomi, turisme-, event- og erhvervsudvikling. Fælles for mine jobs er, at der altid har været fokus på udvikling og forretningsmæssig vækst.
Jeg er en mester i at spotte muligheder og skabe overblik og har en udpræget forretningsforståelse og indsigt i såvel den kommercielle, som den politiske verden. Herudover har jeg betydelig erfaring med bestyrelsesarbejde.
Et stærkt erhvervsnetværk
Mit danske erhvervsnetværk er bredt, ligesom jeg har en række udenlandske kontakter med mange gode samarbejdsrelationer. Dem deler jeg gerne med dig!
Kontakt mig gerne for en uforpligtende snak. Jeg er aldrig længere væk end telefonen og hjælper dig gerne.
Du er også velkommen til at udfylde kontaktformularen her på siden, og jeg vil så vende tilbage til dig snarest muligt.
Jeg glæder mig til at høre fra dig
De bedste hilsner
Jette Nielsen, indehaver
Telefon +45 2011 5454
CVR: 4046 5057